Why Pets Are Great for Kids

- Walking, feeding, grooming, and caring for a pet can help children learn about responsibility.
- Having a pet at home could make little ones feel safer and more comfortable. (Those closet monsters are no match for furry friends!)
- A dog, cat, bird, or even a fish can double as a mini buddy and offer kiddos companionship.
- Caring and playing with a pet creates an additional bond between siblings, parents and children, or the entire family!
- Although animals have their own ways of communicating, children can improve their communication skills – both verbal and non-verbal – as they interact with animals.
- Talking with (non-judgmental) pets also means that kids have a safe outlet when it comes to voicing any kind of issue or little secret.
- Having an active pet means that kids will stay active too! If you get a dog, for example, chances are that children will spend more time outdoors, running around and soaking in lots of Vitamin D.

- Once kiddos spend a lot of time with their new pal and see them through their ups and downs, chances are they will learn about empathy and compassion.
- Getting a pet when they’re teeny-tiny and watching them grow can help children learn about the different stages of life.
- Whether it’s having a pet or seeing animals in the wild, learning more about them can help children develop respect for all living beings.