New Year’s Resolutions: 2022 Edition

Aviana: Practice Self-Care
“Sometimes my daily routine can get a little overwhelming, so my goals for this year is to find the time for some self-care. At least every two weeks, I plan on re-creating a mini version of a spa in my home, put on a cozy bathrobe, and unwind!”

Ariah: Learn More About Science
“My dream is to become a biologist and I love reading, so my New Year’s resolution is to spend more time in the library and deep dive into different biology topics. I’m especially curious to learn more about plant life!”
Jessalyn: Take Swimming Lessons
“My family is planning a trip to Australia at the end of the year, but I’m not quite ready to confidently step into the Pacific Ocean for a swim! That’s why, in the coming months, I’ll be taking swimming lessons. SO excited!”

Marjorie: Discover New Parks
“My friends and I always go on hikes, and 2022 will be no different! There’s something so serene and awe-inspiring about national parks and I just can’t WAIT to discover more of them this year. Not to mention all of the birdwatching I plan to do!”
Eliza: Cook More for Friends
“You can often find me in the kitchen, trying out recipes from cuisines all over the world. But even though it’s really fun to cook and experiment, the best part of it is sharing food with others! So on top of learning about new dishes, my goal is to share them with my friends.”

Kaydence: Join a Book Club
“The library is my FAVORITE spot in the city! It’s a place filled with stories and adventures (and tons of fantasy books – YAY!). I recently learned that they host a book club and that instantly became my New Year’s resolution for 2022. Can’t wait to meet everyone in it!”
Savana: Contribute to a Community Garden
“I have SO many plants at home. Indoor, outdoor, flowers, herbs – you name it! But this year, I decided to take my love of plants a little further: to the community garden in my neighborhood! I’m thinking of planting strawberries… Or maybe kale? Haven’t decided yet!”