Spring Cleaning: Decluttering & Reorganizing

This year, my mission is de-cluttering! Parting with things I’ve kept for a while can be a challenge, but I can already feel that my home will look much better once I tidy up and re-organize.
One Step at a Time

- Throwing out foods that are past their expiry date
- Tossing foods that have been in the freezer for a lil’ too long
- Getting rid of chipped dishes
- Giving away old appliances
- Sorting through tea mugs (14 might be a bit much… or not?)
Living Room
- Donating books that I will likely not read again
- Sorting through old and ripped magazines
- Throwing out damaged vinyl records
- Creating storage for extra throw blankets and pillows
- Minimizing table decorations
- Sorting through my clothes and shoes (this will be tough!)
- Getting a jewelry tree (to avoid hours and hours of detangling)
- Sorting through old school supplies
- Tossing old or ripped bedding
- Creating storage space under the bed

- Sorting through the bathroom cabinet
- Throwing out old creams
- Getting a shower caddy
- Tossing nearly-finished bath products
- Sorting through towels