Our Favorite School Subjects and Why

Here is what they love to learn about:
Jessalyn: Science
“Science is definitely my favorite school subject! Learning about animals, plants, and nature in general is so fascinating. But if I had to pick one specific scientific topic to focus on, I would have to go with studying the solar system. I could learn about planets and space all day long!”

Dafina: Mathematics
“Numbers, shapes, addition, subtraction – I’m excited to explore all of it! Not only do I find calculations fun to do, but I’ve noticed that math lends me a helping hand throughout my day. It helps me tell time, figure out my route to school, and it even comes in handy when I bake sweet treats for my friends!”
Jessa: English
“One of my favorite things to do is sit in my cozy armchair under a fluffy blanket and read a book. So it’s no wonder that English is at the top of my list in terms of school subjects! Diving into a story, getting to know different characters, practicing my own writing through creative exercises… it’s truly the best.”

Ilyssa: Geography
“I’ve been lucky enough to travel a lot with my family, but there is still SO much for me to discover – and school is a great place for that. In my favorite class, geography, we learn about the different continents, a range of landscapes, and study bodies of water. I can’t wait to see it all with my own two eyes!”
Farah: History
“My family organizes a lot of big gatherings, and while my cousins play games, I always sit next to my grandpa and listen to his stories. I think that’s what got me interested in history! I’m really looking forward to learning more about the past during this school year.”

Perla: Music
“My parents tell me that I’ve been dancing since I was a baby and my love for music is still strong! I try to play any instrument I can get my hands on, sing along to my favorite movies, and dance whenever I hear a fun tune. I’m so happy that there is a class where I get to express my musical creativity!”